KS3 curriculum

KS3 English curriculum

The KS3 English curriculum: Units of work for Year 7, Year 8, and a bridging year of Year 9 content which begins to prepare pupils for content such English Language style questions, and extract-based units such as Gothic Literature to prepare pupils for the types of texts they might encounter in KS4.

The SOW is guided by the principles of the National Curriculum to ensure pupils are exposed to foundational knowledge, such as phonics and rich vocabulary, which will allow them to be successful and to articulate their ideas. Lessons will be sequenced so that each builds on prior education.

Speaking: The English Scheme of Work includes interactive speaking activities and opportunities for students to engage in oral discussions, presentations, and debates. These activities promote the development of verbal communication skills and help students express their ideas effectively.

Year 7

Term 1 (Autumn)

The Oral Tradition, Epic Poetry: ‘The Odyssey’, ‘The Iliad’ and ‘Beowulf’, Creative Writing based on Greek Mythology, ‘The Hunger Games’ by Suzanne Collins, Contemporary Short Stories and Extracts: ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’ by J. K. Rowling, ‘Sweetness’ by Toni Morrison.

Term 2 (Spring)

Contemporary Short Stories: ‘Journey to the River Sea’ by Eva Ibbotson, ‘Private Peaceful’ by Michael Morpurgo, An Introduction to Shakespeare’s World, ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, An Introduction to poetry.

Term 3 (Summer)

The sonnet through time: Introduction to the sonnet, ‘Sonnet 18’, Shakespeare, ‘Death, be not proud’, Donne, ‘If thou must love me’, Barrett-Browning, ‘The sonnet-ballad’, Gwendolyn Brooks. Poems from Other Cultures, Creative writing: poetry, ‘A Christmas Carol’ the play by Charles Dickens.

Year 8

Term 1 (Autumn)

Introduction to Tragedy, ‘Romeo and Juliet’, Shakespeare, Romantic poetry and paired texts: Introduction to the Romantics.

Term 2 (Spring)

Romantic poetry and paired texts: Romanticism and Nature, Nature poetry, Romanticism and Revolution, Revolutionary and Protest poetry. Oliver Twist: Oliver and the Workhouse, Oliver Heads to London, Oliver is Caught, Oliver, Bill & The Maylies, Oliver and the Consequences.

Term 3 (Summer)

‘Noughts and Crosses’ the play by Malorie Blackman, Rhetoric: Introduction to rhetoric, Rhetoric: Injustice, Change & Motivate, Writing rhetoric.

Year 9

Term 1 (Autumn)

Shakespearean Comedy: ‘Much Ado About Nothing’, Language Skills – Fiction – Reading and writing, Language Skills – Non-Fiction – Reading and writing, Grammar for Writing, The Short Story.

Term 2 (Spring)

Gothic Literature, Fiction: Reading and descriptive writing, Non-Fiction texts and viewpoint writing.

Term 3 (Summer)

‘Jane Eyre’ by Charlotte Bronte, ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell, Paragraphing non-fiction writing, Responding to exam questions – Language Paper 1 & 2 Section A.

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