We can deliver fully online KS3 and GCSE courses. You can find the details of our packages below.
COST: From £2,500 per term
Key information:
- Ages 11 to 14 (Year 7 – 9)
- Fully qualified UK based teachers
- Access to extra-curricular clubs
- 17 live 1-hour lessons a week
- Outside of lesson access to resources
- Small class sizes 1:9 (max)
- Mentoring support
- “Let’s Move” and “Let’s Create”
Subjects included:
- English
- Maths
- Science
- History
- Geography
- RS
- Digital Skills
- Language
- Citizenship
COST: From £2,500 per term
Key information:
- Ages 14 to 16 (Year 10 – 11)
- Fully qualified UK based teachers
- Access to extra-curricular clubs
- 17 live 1-hour lessons a week
- Outside of lesson access to resources
- Small class sizes 1:9 (max)
- Mentoring support
- Private GCSE Candidate Exam Centre Support
- “Lets Move” and “Let’s Create”
Subjects included:
- English (AQA)
- Maths (Edexcel)
- Combined Science – Trilogy (AQA)
- Digital Skills
Plus one from:
- History (Edexcel)
- Geography (Edexcel)
- Religious Studies (Edexcel)
- Psychology (AQA)
- NCFE courses 1+2
- GCSE PE (Edexcel)
- Modern Foreign Language (MFL)