KS3 curriculum

KS3 Mathematics curriculum

The KS3 Mathematics curriculum uses multiple representations to make connections across concepts to help build a deep conceptual understanding. Making consistent use of the same core representations, we will scaffold pupils’ thinking to help them understand abstract mathematical concepts.

Lessons are grouped into units, that are a coherent sequence of lessons. Although each lesson can be accessed individually, explicit connections are made to earlier lessons and later lessons in the same unit. This is because the connections between mathematical concepts are so vital to deepening understanding.

Spoken Language and Literacy skills

Pupils will develop linguistically by the quality and variety of language that they hear and speak.

The quality and variety of language that pupils hear and speak are key factors in developing their mathematical vocabulary and presenting mathematical justification, argument or proof.  Pupils will be exposed to mathematical language in context to support understanding and there will be an expectation for pupils to use appropriate mathematical terms and make links with everyday language when discussing their work or communicating their thinking.

Teachers will support pupils to make their thinking clear to themselves as well as others, using both spoken and written language.  Pupils will develop secure foundations by participating in regular mathematical discussions where their understanding will be probed and tested, and misconceptions will be remedied.

Year 7

Term 1 (Autumn)

Numbers and numerals, axioms and arrays, factors and multiples, order of operations, positive and negative numbers, expressions, equations and inequalities, angles.

Term 2 (Spring)

Classifying 2-D shapes, constructing triangles and quadrilaterals, coordinates, area of 2-D shapes, transforming 2-D figures. Prime factor decomposition, conceptualising and comparing fractions, manipulating, and calculating with fractions, ratio, percentages, different number systems.

Term 3 (Summer)

Prime factor decomposition, conceptualising and comparing fractions, manipulating, and calculating with fractions, ratio, percentages, different number systems.

Year 8

Term 1 (Autumn)

Sequences, forming and solving equations, forming and solving inequalities, linear graphs, accuracy and estimation, algebra and problem solving, ratio, real life graphs.

Term 2 (Spring)

Ratio, real life graphs and rates of change. Direct and indirect proportion, univariate data, bivariate data, famous maths problems. Angles and parallel lines, angles in polygons, bearings, volume and surface area of prisms, area review, circles.

Term 3 (Summer)

Angles and parallel lines, angles in polygons, bearings, volume and surface area of prisms, area review, circles.

Year 9

Term 1 (Autumn)

Probability, sets and Venn diagrams, solving linear simultaneous equations algebraically, solving linear simultaneous equations graphically, angles, constructions, congruence, and loci.

Term 2 (Spring)

Constructions, congruence, and loci, Pythagoras’s theorem, famous maths problems, ratio, similarity and enlargement, surds and trigonometry, quadratic expressions. Indices and standard form, growth and decay, finance.

Term 3 (Summer)

Indices and standard form, growth and decay, finance.

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