GCSE Geography
You can find the details of the GCSE Geography B (Edexcel) curriculum at TLC LIVE Online School below.
Component 1: Global Geographical Issues
37.5% of the qualification
Content overview
Topic 1: Hazardous Earth
Topic 2: Development dynamics
Topic 3: Challenges of an urbanising world
Assessment overview
Section A: Hazardous Earth
Section B: Development dynamics
Section C: Challenges of an urbanising world.
Written examination: 1 hour and 30 minutes (94 marks)
Component 2: UK Geographical Issues
37.5% of the qualification
Content overview
Topic 4: The UK’s evolving physical landscape – including sub-topics 4A: Coastal change
and conflict and 4B: River processes and pressures.
Topic 5: The UK’s evolving human landscape – including a Case Study – Dynamic UK cities.
Topic 6: Geographical investigations – including one physical fieldwork investigation and one human fieldwork investigation linked to Topics 4 and 5.
Assessment overview
Section A: The UK’s evolving physical landscape
Section B: The UK’s evolving human landscape
Section C: Geographical investigations
Written examination: 1 hour and 30 minutes (94 marks)
Component 3: People and Environment Issues – Making Geographical Decisions
25% of the qualification
Content overview
Topic 7: People and the biosphere
Topic 8: Forests under threat
Topic 9: Consuming energy resources
Assessment overview
Section A: People and the biosphere
Section B: Forests under threat
Section C: Consuming energy resources
Section D: Making a geographical decision.
Written examination: 1 hour and 30 minutes (64 marks)
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