KS4 curriculum

GCSE English Language and Literature

Enhanced KS4 curriculum policy for English Language and Literature

At TLC Live, we are committed to providing a comprehensive and enriching English Language and Literature curriculum for Key Stage 4 (KS4) students. Our two-year KS4 model is designed to foster deep knowledge and understanding of both English Literature and Language. Our approach ensures that students establish strong foundations in Year 9, setting the stage for their further exploration during Years 10 and 11.

GCSE English Literature (AQA)

Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th-century novel

40% of the total GCSE

Overview of content

Shakespeare plays
The 19th-century novel

Overview of assessment

Section A Shakespeare: students will answer one question on their play of choice. They will be required to write in detail about an extract from the play and then to write about the play as a whole.

Section B The 19th-century novel: students will answer one question on their novel of choice. They will be required to write in detail about an extract from the novel and then to write about the novel as a whole.

The total number of marks available is 64.

Assessment duration: 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Paper 2: Modern texts and poetry

60% of the total GCSE

Overview of content

Modern prose or drama texts
The poetry anthology
Unseen poetry

Overview of assessment

Section A Modern texts: students will answer one essay question from a choice of two on their studied modern prose or drama text.

Section B Poetry: students will answer one comparative question on one named poem printed on the paper and one other poem from their chosen anthology cluster.

Section C Unseen poetry: Students will answer one question on one unseen poem and one question comparing this poem with a second unseen poem.

The total number of marks available is 96.

Assessment duration: 2 hours and 15 minutes.

GCSE English Language (AQA)

Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing

50% of the total GCSE

Section A: Reading

One literature fiction text

Section B: Writing

Descriptive or narrative writing

Overview of assessment

Reading (40 marks) (25%)– one single text
Writing (40 marks) (25%) – 1 extended writing question

The total number of marks available is 80.

Assessment duration 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Paper 2: Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives

50% of the total GCSE

Section A: Reading

One non-fiction text and one literary non-fiction text

Section B: Writing

Writing to present a viewpoint

Overview of assessment

Reading (40 marks) (25%) – two linked texts
Writing (40 marks) (25%)- 1 extended writing question

The total number of marks available is 80.

Assessment duration: 1 hour and 45 minutes

Non-examination Assessment: Spoken Language

0% of the total GCSE

Overview of content

Developing spoken language skills.

Overview of assessment

Responding to questions and feedback
Use of Standard English

Aims and philosophy

Our KS4 English curriculum aligns closely with the principles outlined by the Department of Education, aimed at promoting high standards of language and literacy. Our curriculum seeks to empower students with a proficient command of spoken and written expression, while nurturing their appreciation for literature through extensive reading for both enjoyment and information. Our curriculum aims to enable all students to:

Read proficiently

Our students will read fluently and comprehend texts effectively. They will cultivate the habit of reading widely and regularly for pleasure and knowledge, thereby developing their vocabulary and linguistic conventions.

Engage in writing mastery

Students will write with clarity, precision, and coherence across diverse contexts and audiences. They will refine their drafting skills and embrace writing as a creative and academic pursuit.

Foster verbal artistry

Our curriculum emphasises the importance of spoken language as an essential aspect of cognitive, social, and linguistic development. Students will gain confidence in discussion, debate, and collaborative discourse, enriching their overall communication skills.

Appreciate literary heritage

We encourage students to explore our diverse literary heritage, fostering a deep understanding and appreciation of various genres, styles, and periods.

Enhance critical thinking

Through reading, writing, and discussion, students will refine their analytical and critical thinking skills, enabling them to articulate their understanding and ideas effectively.

Integrated approaches

Spoken language development

Spoken language remains fundamental throughout KS4, facilitating the continued development of reading and writing skills. Our curriculum promotes students’ proficiency in conventions for discussion and debate. They will develop the skills to engage effectively in discussions about reading, writing, and speech across various subjects.

Reading excellence

Our students will engage with a diverse range of challenging texts, including whole books, to foster deep understanding and appreciation. This wide-ranging reading will support vocabulary growth, nuanced interpretation, and the ability to use figurative language effectively.

Writing mastery

Our curriculum equips students to write formally, academically, and imaginatively, catering to different purposes and audiences. Emphasis is placed on grammatical accuracy, sentence structure, and the use of Standard English. Students will develop the skills to compose academic essays and creatively explore their writing potential.

Literacy enrichment

Our curriculum includes a rich array of literacy activities encompassing guided reading, comprehension exercises, vocabulary enrichment, grammar practice, and diverse writing tasks. This holistic approach empowers students to enhance their reading, writing, and language skills.

Numeracy integration

We integrate numeracy skills to deepen students’ textual analysis and data interpretation abilities. Through visual representations, graphing, and data comparison exercises, students will develop a nuanced understanding of text-related numerical concepts.

Continuous progression

Our approach builds upon the linguistic foundation established during Key Stage 3. We assess students’ linguistic readiness and progression to ensure a tailored and enriching learning experience. Advanced learners are challenged with expanded opportunities, while those needing further consolidation receive targeted support.

At TLC Live, our enhanced KS4 English curriculum endeavours to empower students with the linguistic, literary, and communicative skills they need to excel in academic pursuits and real-world applications. By fostering a love for language and literature, we prepare students to be confident, articulate, and adaptable individuals.

Looking for more information?

For further information and specification details please visit the relevant exam board websites.

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