KS3 curriculum

KS3 Languages (French and Spanish) curriculum


The Languages Scheme of Work includes interactive speaking activities and opportunities for students to engage in oral discussions, presentations, and roll play. These activities promote the development of verbal communication skills and help students express their ideas effectively.


The Languages Scheme of Work incorporates various listening activities, such as audio clips, podcasts, teacher led conversations and recorded readings. These activities require students to actively listen, comprehend, and respond appropriately. By engaging in these activities, students develop their listening skills, including comprehension, inference, and critical thinking.


The Languages Scheme of Work provides a range of literacy activities that focus on reading, writing, and comprehension. These activities include guided reading exercises, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, grammar exercises, and writing tasks. By completing these activities, students enhance their reading and writing abilities, expand their vocabulary, improve grammar and punctuation skills, and develop a deeper understanding of various literary texts.


The Languages Scheme of Work incorporates numeracy skills in various ways to enhance students’ understanding and analysis of texts. Students have the opportunity to learn different numbers and data from reading materials, as well as diagrams for text comparison. The evidence of these numeracy skills can be found in completed visual representations and feedback from tutors. By integrating numeracy skills into the curriculum, TLC LIVE ensures students develop both their language and data analysis abilities, preparing them for real-world applications.

Year 7

Term 1 (Autumn)

Describing locations, what someone is like, naming an object and saying where it is, what people have, what people do and don’t do, talking about more than one thing, what there is around you and describing it, location of things, describing a place, talking about wanting, talking about giving.

Term 2 (Spring)

Talking about having, describing people and places, asking and answering questions, saying what you are like at the moment and in general, talking about ‘doing’ and ‘making’, talking about what you do with other people, describing what people can/are able to do, describing what people must do, describing places and locations, saying what people are like today vs in general.

Term 3 (Summer)

Travel, using word reference resources, saying what people do and where/when they do it, what people do (technology), describing places, describing what people have, describing people and possessions, describing where people go and when, future plans, what people can, must and want to do, future plans.

Year 8

Term 1 (Autumn)

Describing events in the past and present, comparing past experiences, people and places now vs in general, comparing what you and someone else (we) do, (at home, in class at parties and celebrations), events in the past and present (at school) and in free time, what people have, how people feel in the present, free time activities, feelings and emotions, future plans, what people do (work and festive traditions).

Term 2 (Spring)

Describing what people do (technology and social networks), free time activities, travel in the past and present, the environment, what you do for others, routines and daily life, a series of events, giving and receiving (birthdays), how things make people feel, opinions about school, saying who does what to whom.

Term 3 (Summer)

Describing what people do, family members and their jobs, how people feel, comparing things (shopping), asking about things, what people do and did, where people go and went, about what people did, learning about a famous person, describing school, what is happening now – exercise and fitness, film and cinema, making a film, country traditions, talking about past and future trips.

Year 9

Term 1 (Autumn)

Describing people, what people do and don’t do, talking about having more than one thing, locations, family, asking and answering questions, what you do with others, people and possession, when and where people go, and future plans, activities different people do, talking to people you know and don’t know, describing what people do & are going to do.

Term 2 (Spring)

Talking about wanting, events in past and present, what people can and must do, comparing what people do, describing different family members, celebrating different occasions, events in past and present (activities and the classroom), where people are going to go, things you do to, and for, others and yourself.

Term 3 (Summer)

Saying what we do for other people, what you and others like, experiences now and in the past, visiting other places, comparing people and places, media and shopping, possessions, what is happening now, activities, how and where you are and were, what you are doing now and were doing then, trips and festivals.

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